This project was entered in
The Second International System Creativity Contest
sponsored by the German LEGO fan site, 1000 Steine
October - December, 2002

Image 10

The Cathedral is built in the Late Romanesque style with the traditional cross shaped floor plan. The model is 25 x 12.5 inches (80 x 40 studs).

Image 11

The wings on either side of the main church are called transepts and the area where they intersect the main church is the crossing.

In the Middle Ages, the crossing was covered with a plain roof, or with a tower. Domes weren't used until during the Renaissance.

Image 12

Cathedrals are traditionally oriented with the altar side facing east (the word orient means to align to the east). This view is from the south.

Yew trees were commonly planted near churches, a place where farm animals were unlikely to eat them. Yews were valuable for a variety of purposes, but the berries are poisonous.

Image 13

The main entrance of the cathedral faces west. Cathedrals traditionally have three doors, the main door leads directly into the church, the two smaller doors lead to the side aisles.

Tall, narrow windows called lancet windows were common in the Romanesque style. Round rose windows were not common until later when the Gothic style of church architecture was developed.

Image 14

Medieval cathedrals had stone vaulting that curved overhead to form the ceiling. A wooden roof was built over the vault to help shed water and snow.

I have removed the roof to show the series of arches which support the building.

Image 15

The Cathedral is built in three sections to give access to the interior.

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Index - Buildings